Table of Contents
Does SEO even has a future with the advent of Artificial intelligence??
What is RankBrain??
How will it affect the market and sales cost??
These are some of the questions every marketer and SEO and SME is hustling hard to find an answer to. Well, we have it right here with the top 5 things that will constitute the upcoming marketing trend for SEO companies.
Artificial Intelligence:- It refers to the ability enhancement of computers to perform tasks catering to human needs without much human guidance. It is inclusive of factors like-decision making, translation, visual perceptions, etc.
It is a concept that is going to turn out as a complete game-changer for SEO in future marketing! Having been a better reader of human behavior online, artificial intelligence will make the market more customer-friendly and convenient. Even after having so many useful features, AI still remains a concept having a mixed set of users! A recent data revealed that only 10% of businesses are currently performing the usage of AI while the rest of the 90% have promised to welcome the same within a span of 5 years or longer. So, here we are enlisting those above stated 5 big changes predicted that artificial intelligence system is all set to bring to your search engine optimization business.
These days SEO is a great tool that tends to figure out the themes, and subjects of videos, audios, images content searched. Google results are no more just about showing the searched videos, rather these days they tend to catch and analyze the visual content just in a jiffy. As content writing field saw the revolution in its writing technique owing to SEO requirements. For instance, jotting down the accurate keywords, catchy and specific headings, etc. The same way things are going to face a drastic change for visual content creators as they will have to optimize their video length, keyword targeting, descriptions, video tags, etc. So, in order to keep up with the dynamic trend with reference to artificial intelligence, visual content creators need to scan the business environment really well.
Having possessed a strong domain authority with plenty of links pointing towards your mediocre content will ruin things for your company’s digital marketing. The reason for this will be the search engine’s smarter analysis of your customer’s behavior. If a customer opens a link directing towards your content & stays on the same page for a while, then AI development will consider your content qualitative and relevant, else it will prove susceptible. So, link relevance is an important aspect. Backlinks should be such that they come from the same industry, as yours. For instance, if you sell dog kennels, then there should be no backlinks of birdcage directing towards your site. You may get penalized for this. Gone are the days when immediate, and plenty of backlinks were purchased!
SEO for web browsing on PCs is a long-greyed phenomenon. Google data reveals that 40% of online searches are done on mobile. Hence, the content you as a company serve should be mobile browser friendly. Having avoided this aspect, a company can lose out on a bigger section of its sales market. So, how your brand is made to reach the mobile-friendly customers is one important aspect to consider. Also, having announced it as an imperative part of their mobile algorithm, Google has pressurized companies to make it that way. Apart from his critical aspects, it has some positive repercussions on e-commerce too. Through this, sales have become a hassle-free task. For instance, having an app for showcasing your products is one of the best ways to have a hold on the consumer market by increasing your brand awareness and exposure.
As soon as the mobiles advanced so did the voice search feature lately. Siri, Cortana, Alexa have become our 21st-century genies! So, this also becomes a game changer for SEO markets. For instance, earlier one searched for sure-shot keywords, but with the voice search feature, there’s a tendency to have a full sentence specific search! So, voice searches have made the customers conversational which makes it mandatory for the companies to incorporate voice search features on their website. So, a conversational sentence, as well as important keywords, are the necessary incorporations to be done for thriving in the digital marketing realm.
Trend has come when the black hats are about to face obsoletion as Google chooses to be smarter! Myopic tricks and tips to outsmart algorithms will no more be a possibility. Investment in long-term projects is the only way out.
The two most important aspects of your survival kit with the coming Artificial Intelligence improvements will be the development of quality and relevant content. It is because RankBrain tries to understand and analyze the context and topic of the contents developed. So, it is imperative to have your keyword game on point to survive in a market where the searcher’s intent is paid due emphasis. So, value, context are some important things that are not to be neglected. For instance, people will no more be reading your blog posts based on the keywords you incorporate, but they would be doing so based on the concepts relating to that keyword. So, the need of the hour is providing the customers with real value by sticking to one particular niche! This is not just a helpful deal for Rank Brain but one for you too as it eases out your market competition and increases your chances of ranking higher and attaining more traffic.
Artificial Intelligence, being a mechanized one can perform analysis of a truckload of data which is going to fetch businesses more revenue at a shorter time span. This will be much more than compared to any management team dealt with by homo sapiens! Finding stashed insights, like the researcher’s intent, the subject matter of content, consumer behavior, are some specific valuable touchpoints reckoning which a company starts to prosper as these are the factors that lead to the development of an impactful strategy and relevant content. AI has led the market to a drastic change and sublimation from technology solutions to theme-specific ones. With the AI system, these things are taken we care of within no time in a hassle-free manner.
All this may sound like one hectic thing, but with Artificial Intelligence, we are definitely going to have a much more sorted market, qualitative products and healthy competition free of things like-instant backlinks purchase, etc. We are hurling towards intuitiveness and naturalness with this. Why just consider that?? Reckoning the other side of this coin is a must too as this new system is going to prove all helpful in return on investment i.e.(ROI) boosting hence affecting revenue figures in a positive manner. Some companies have even started claiming that usage of AI has resulted in their cost reduction by around 40%. So, in order to carve out a successful and thriving zone for your brand, go forth with pre-business scanning and hustle hard on making the above-stated changes to welcome RankBrain as an upcoming trend!