Major Impact of Google Core Update 2019

Google Algorithm Update March 2019 also known as Google 2019 Core Update” or “Florida 2.0” is a recent update which was named officially by Google on Twitter on 15th March 2019. This update is really affecting the websites while it is leading to some websites having decreased rankings to some having less effect. Let’s discuss how this update is going to change the game of SEO for you in this year ahead.

The impact of the core updates can be severely positive or negative for the website publishers. There can be increased traffic and improved website revenue or just the opposite of that.

Every website is in the digital world wants to build and sustain their website traffic. While Google is updating its algorithms every day and sometimes even a few times a day, this new update is not a surprise. But the thing is, in the last few months, various websites on the internet from the various industries and niches have seen a substantial amount of decrease in traffic and this update has impacted and contributed to it.

Most of the niches affected by the Update are in Auto and Vehicles, Health and Pets and Animals.

Negative Impact: The websites which tend to be following Black Hat SEO practices have seen a major decline in their website rankings and traffic. The major part of this is linking, using automated link building that manipulates the SERP results. The website which was following practices of low quality, duplicate, rewritten content from various sources has seen an immense decline as well.

Positive Impact: Various websites from healthcare niche were affected by the Medic Update August 2018 update; those websites tend to recover from the update with the March 2019 update. As the March update is said to be opposite of the August update.

Important Insights from the March Core Update 2019

  1. Remove Low-Quality Content: While duplicate content and low-quality content is a big No in the ranking of any website, it is important to note for those who were depending on this low-quality content and ranking that now they need to be more careful. While many of the websites have shown decreased traffic due to this update, some are barely surviving. The Google Update is stricter on the duplicate content and content that has been rewritten that is affecting the authority of the website making it be replaced by a better authority website.
  2. Make your website secure: To make sure that your website is a secure place for the SSL certificate that makes your website secure should be added and used o your website. It is very clear that the publishers who are looking to rank better on Google should make sure that the website is secure. Google now shows the “non-HTTPS” websites as “insecure” and it clearly shows how it is implementing on making Google more secure for the users keeping their privacy at the high priority.
  3. Automated Linking: The websites which were surviving on the black hat SEO especially automated link building had faced the impact of this update. Using black hat SEO will seriously affect your rankings but that will be caught up the Google someday or other if not today. Hence it is good to avoid using such practices and concentrate on creating quality links to your website than quantity. The better EAT score you have the better it is according to Google guidelines. It is recommended to use White hat SEO techniques for link building.
  4. Consistency can save you: A website which tends to have a consistency in publishing its content on the website regularly have managed to survive from drowning in the pool with other websites due to this Update. Publishing Unique content and regularly helps engage the users and it’s a good strategy to help the site stay relevant. And relevancy is something that creates your website’s authority you are able to rank better and secure your position, you can earn the trust of the users which would help you sustain longer.


Tips for Publishers for the Google Algorithm Core Update 2019

The Google Algorithm Update March 2019 is an update where Google seems to be stricter on certain aspects that are a part of the website’s authority to make sure that there is best user experience. It is very important to analyze what is working for you and what is not. Making any changes to your website right away is also not something that you should do as being “too reactive” to this Update. Google Updates happens frequently and it is good to make sure that you have a better website that does contain any drawback from the above mentioned like low-quality content.