Each and every digital marketer in the industry focus on having a website which is mostly used and seen by the users. The top web designing company in Paschim Vihar believes that users are today more inclined towards everything being super speedy and hence they don’t want to waste their time on a website which is not loading faster and has a very low page load speed. This makes the creator of the website stand in the court of the questions by the client. As the page speed declines and traffic lowers, there are certain chances of problems like pogo sticking and bounce rate. This is indeed a problem faced by various marketers today.

1. Compressing: Compressing the coding of the pages of your website helps in making them light and easy to load. The compression of CSS, JavaScript and Html code of your website is something that will make your website page load speed increase. There are various tools that will help you in creating a website which is loading faster and providing the best user experience to the users.

2. Improving the server response time: It is very important to have a server response time which is very less that will make sure that your website is very fast to load and that will things better in your court. You can increase the server response time according to top web designing company in Paschim Vihar which the help of solving issues like lack of adequate memory, slow routing and other key factors of your website.
3. Optimizing Images: images that are uploaded on the website usually are ignored by the marketers and hence they make the website every heavy which increase the load time. The tips by the top web designing company in Paschim Vihar is to use a compressing tool whenever you are working with uploading images on your website to make sure that the images used are not more than 500 kb.

4. Optimize cache: You can make sure that your browser is using cache to not increase the unwanted server request. Cache is basically something which takes a lot of space as it stores javascript code and various other things about your website in order to not load the whole website again if the user comes back. Top web designing company in Paschim Vihar suggests using a tool to set an expiration date ion cache helps you reduce a lot of space and increase page load speed.

5. Reducing redirects: Redirects are something that makes the page load speed increase, each time a redirect takes place, the user waits an extra time period which makes him discouraged to open the website and encourage him to shift to the next website. Top web designing company in Paschim Vihar believes that it is something that also affects your relevancy which is again an important aspect of SEO. With optimization, the redirects should be reduced.

6. Use Social Buttons: Social media connectivity of your website is as important as it can get now. So it is very important to link social media accounts to your website. Top web designing company in Paschim Vihar suggests using share buttons actually makes the script light rather than using the heavy javascript.

7. Use CSS3 and HTML7: Top web designing company in Paschim Vihar suggests using these coding languages. These are codes which very lightweight and help the speed increase of your website especially for mobile loading. CSS3 has various features that make it a good choice to be used.