In a Pandemic like Corona, will my Business survive?

Simply, No, if you don’t adapt with the current environment.

And, a Big Yes, if you’re ready to marry with the Internet.

The same applies not only to Businesses and Organisations but for Individuals as well. You’ll understand this soon in the blog. 

A team of individuals conducted research on various Industries. They found that all the industries except IT Industry are either already crashed or going to crash sooner or later.

This was the first time when they figured out that Digital Entrepreneurship is the future. For any Business or Industry, it’s inevitable.

Let me reveal the team. It’s Learn Earn Guru. A platform that took birth in this Corona Pandemic. 

Learn Earn Guru is a team which is driven by a mission to create as many Digital Employment Opportunities as much possible. They want to help and support people with learning and earning. And, even in Branding. An all  in one platform for anyone and everyone.

What is Digital Entrepreneurship? 

Yes, it’s a by product of “Digital” and “Entrepreneurship”. “Digital” points to nothing but the Internet. And, “Entrepreneurship” is what the giants like Tata, Birla, etc. does.

There was a time when Entrepreneurship used to work fantastically. But, now we need a Digital revolution in Entrepreneurship.

Digital Entrepreneurship is leveraging the power of the Internet in Your Business. You need to adopt a modern approach towards everything you do. You need to implement technology driven operations for your Business.

In a nutshell, you need to polish your Digital Skills.

For Example- Where you used to approach your potential target customers in person. Now, you need to pitch him/her through Digital Platforms.

How to adopt a Digital Strategy?

Mindset is the utmost important thing for anything and everything. To have a Digital Strategy for your business firstly you need to give up the traditional mindset.

Secondly, below are some activities you need to perform.

1. Keep yourself updated

You need to read news, blogs, etc. and keep yourself updated with the latest trends of your industry. 

2. Study the Economy

To get success in your Digital Strategies, study the Economy and most importantly its behaviour.

3. Digital Marketing

Adopt Digital Marketing tactics to survive and later grow in the market. Leverage the power of Search Engines (Google) and Social Media (Facebook, Youtube, etc.).

4. Customer Centric

Make sure that every move of yours minor or major is going to influence the customer for sure. So, keep a customer centric approach for every decision you make.

Digital Marketing and Digital Entrepreneurship

These terms are often confused by people. Let’s have a look at both the terms.

Digital Marketing is using the Internet to sustain your business in the market. Whereas, Digital Entrepreneurship is creating opportunities for your business by using digital platforms.

Digital Entrepreneurship is a much wider term as compared to Digital Marketing.

Also, keep in mind that a Digital Marketer can develop Digital Entrepreneur inside him/her more easily. The reason being that he/she is very much familiar with the tech and internet.

Where an Entrepreneur needs to work on Digital Skills, a Digital Marketer needs to work on Entrepreneurship skills.

How to start Your Digital Entrepreneurship Journey? 

Let us tell you one more thing that you can begin it from right here. With us.

Yes, we are here to support you at every step of your Digital Entrepreneurship Journey.


Through our Digital Entrepreneurship Program. It’s a comprehensive Program we have designed for you. Indifference of what your current knowledge level is, you’re going to multiply it.

Have a look at our Digital Entrepreneurship Program.

What all you’ll learn?

• Whole Study

• Economy & Strategy

• Current Market Scenarios

• Future of Digitalization

• Case Studies/Competitors Mistakes/Learning from History

• Importance of Digital Communication and Social Networks 

• Self- Branding through Social Media (Why it is required)

– Overviews and use of all Social Media Platforms

– Website Requirement & Development through WordPress

– Domain Name Selection and Purchasing process

• Know how to run a Location Independent Business.

• Manage and grow your business with automation & digital marketing.

• Learn about the best tools available in the market & how to fully utilize them.

• Grow your social media presence with online tools/

• Manage & Save from a remote team.

• Get & Track your ideas for future projects and maintain them.


This course includes

• 8 hours on-demand video

• Downloadable resources

• Full lifetime access to our Community Groups.

• Certificate of Completion

What Else?

You will become part of our Millionaire Club. This is a community full of like-minded people like you yourself. The community will help you to enhance your network. And, will support you at every stage of not only Digital Entrepreneurship but Life.