Google artificial intelligence has introduced the latest algorithm in 2018 – BERT stands for Bidirectional encoder representation from a transformer. In order to pre-train natural language processing (NLP) program, so that the search engine could be able to understand human language more appropriately and transcribe it into a suited definition.

Here before we have been slicked with the old and past search calculation called RankBrain which may give us the bits of knowledge into in what capacity should we work so as to get a high position in Google with the most applicable substance. BERT is only more than RankBrain and like Normal conversation like a human being.

This process is achieved by allowing the pre-trained NLP to logically analyze each word with respect to the other words present in the given phrase then forms a state of art system which ultimately shows corresponding results for the given phrase. For instance, question and answering mode, search for the specific keywords, this process is known as bidirectional contextual representation.

BERT algorithm has trained 11 NLP tasks with 93.2% accuracy [F1 Score], human level score of 91.2% and state of art score of 93.6%. with the BERT, Google introduced featured snippet [ headline+ URL+ description] that is used, for making websites to look more attentive, to show more keywords, to elevate the ranking of websites or their webpages.

There are two main components of the substratum of BERT, that are, Transformer model architecture [by Google, 2017] and cloud TPU system. These build the possible combinations among the contexts so that, the actual meaning of phrases should be displayed.


BERT forms a bridge between search queries and content or keywords on the webpage, websites, and campaigns, by using the bidirectional representation method and illustrate the human natural language into its own terms. This processing helps in getting a pretty amount of traffic on the websites, which is also one of the reasons for the increasing demand of clickbait.

Whatever the user searches, that search becomes the keyword for the search engine and when BERT recognize that keyword and interpret meaning, present in any content, the search engine starts to list up the contents having that specific keyword, [Google has its own keyword planner]. Hence, the use of keywords reflects the quality and quantity of the content.


Content optimization leads to attracting more and more traffic on the website, but besides this, its loading speed, presentation and landing page also matters. Optimized Content ensures that BERT could relate searcher’s questions and queries, at the exact level all the more proficiently. Use of keywords in the headline, URL, description makes feature snippet to look more informative.


Before BERT, Google had used Rankbrain (another algorithm used in NLP program for computing the language interface and in search results processing).

RankBrain is the first Artificial Intelligence method for understanding queries introduced in 2015. It understands both the queries and the website content in Google SERP to show a better and relevant niche result. Rankbrain ranks the WebPages on the basis of use of keywords in content, its actual meaning, and relevancy to a corresponding search query.

Casually, BERT can likewise be considered as an updated version of Rankbrain as BERT is more effective in processing than Rankbrain.